Suffering with anxiety during the UK Covid-19 Lockdowns, I became aware of the lack of support regarding mental health during this time. The decline on my work due to Lockdowns had an effect on my quality of life, and I learned about the  growing number of suicides during this period. I began to query the overall benefits of lockdown for healthy people experiencing mental health issues, possibly for the first time by being locked away from everyone and everything we'd ever known. I was curious that the media, construction, education sector, supermarkets and 'essential' shops and eating places and some random areas of industry together with politicians continued as normal. For the most part some peoples lives didn't change, many people were still earning salaries, some could tailor their business to work from home and the roaring trades that came out of home deliveries such as Amazon were a godsend to many,  but at the detriment to the high street and the small businesses - they were on their knees. Rules were inconsistent, considering we were in a pandemic (anytime soon we were expecting to see people dying in the streets as we saw on the coverage of India). The politicians to my frustration broke their own imposed restrictions.  'Fear' was the psychological tool used through all channels of media to keep everyone "safe" and the death toll every evening made sure everyone kept score of the situation. The super-quickly made vaccines (normally ten years at minimum in production but now less than 18 months) were rolled out  to everyone including children. These vaccines  had private investments by individual politicians and millionaires worldwide and it was the governments that put  a clause in place so that no accountability would face pharmaceutical companies should they not work or indeed have any  adverse effects.
As a self-employed person, suffering with health anxiety brought on through the menopause, I felt obliged and harassed into  taking the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, all in order to help my country "flatten the curve". However, soon after, I  began to suffer with heart flutters, and was later diagnosed with 1st degree heart block.  My initial gut feeling was anger at myself for feeling pressured into taking an 'experimental drug', as at my age in my health condition it wasn't necessary to have this  'vaccine'. The issue I have is that we werent allowed to question governments and those in the medical field, even though many hadn't done any research - which to my my mind is bizarre when something so new to the table hasnt ensured patient safety - of which is at the heart of the Hippocratic Oath: 'First, Do No Harm'. They (the whole world apart from the "conspiracy theorists" just rolled up sleeves and followed protocol and because people trust our doctors and nurses many just went along with it without question. However,  whether you class it conspiracy or not. The divide of the people came with a mass media campaign that called the unvaccinated "murderers" and "granny killers". This was a scarey time and at one point I wasnt sure if I was going crazy. Based on the history of pharmaceutical errors such as the thalidomide drug that had been given out to women in the 60s to aid in  pregnancy sickness but sadly caused many birth defects. So surely with a global of different body makeup types and ages - one size surely cant fit all and everyone should have a right to choose what goes into their body as we don't have to look that far back in history to see  crimes against humanity and hence the reason for the Geneva convention, The Magna Carta and the Nuremberg Code. Social Media and Mass Media played it's part in the silencing of experts in the field and licencing the administration of a 'vaccine' without enough trial data with a 'one size fits all' approach that raised some red flags along with funding by those that stood to make a lot of money with no liability should anything go wrong.
On my diagnosis, I started to question the facts and research the covid data regarding children and their immunity against Covid-19 - and for the large majority of people where the virus mutates and wanes it was no more than a cold for a large percentage of people especially for children, but each person has to decide for themselves.  To me this seemed an unnecessary 'vaccine' for children, as they are still growing and have a greater immunity than most and the growing reports of adverse affects amongst younger people was growing during the early days of menustration problems, blood clots, seizures and death. I began to follow other voices that seem to make more sense, and it soon became obvious to me that anyone that questioned pharmaceutical agencies and politicians were deemed as  "conspriracy theorists" or just plain 'mad and that we must all question the "vaccine hessitancy". To me,  bodily autonomy should be something we hold sacred,  if not for ourselves, then for our children - as they are our future. If we don't question our liberty during a time of crisis, we may later lose our freedoms as bills are passed without public knowledge during these times. When we are controlled by governments who abuse their powers to suit their own agenda and line their own pockets,  via shares in vaccines, PPE etc  then we must question this and expose the truths behind it. 



Mandating vaccines and restrictions may lead to apathy and potentially become a way of life for our future generations but those that choose to lead an alternative lifestyle without pharmaceuticals should be allowed to do so without discrimination. We need to be free-thinking human beings, not robots that just follow orders because we can't be bothered to do our own research,  especially when it comes to bodily autonomy and children's health. There will always be those that seek the truth and fight for our freedoms thank goodness. Neil Oliver the presenter has been one to voice his opinion since Lockdown.  It is he and others that saw through the misinformation that was being used against them to blacken their reputations and character. It is those that 'will die on a hill' and  will not be silenced - because quite rightly - that is what our ancestors so valiently fought for. This is what history is all about, the films we watch, the books we read are all all about freedom fighters and seeking justice. Strangely enough as much as people dive into Netflix and Amazon Prime for the latest true story about injustice, as we get behind the hero in the safety of our own homes that that little do people realise there are protests and people fighting all the time at Westminster. It was a constant battlefield during the lockdowns trying to maintain a parent /child relationship as the home became a school as well as a place of work  and children were allowed to make the choice themselves at school about taking the novel Covid Vaccine. Many children went along with the majority for fear of  not wanting to appear 'different'. Of which just in the nick of time to counteract any hesitancy came along the great marketing about Gillick compentence, giving children no rights about education or anything else in life but they could easily take a vaccine that had no historical data.
'if a child, under the age of 18, is able to understand and appreciate the nature of the medical treatment they are receiving, they are able to consent to it. A child with Gillick competence is able to receive medical treatment, even if their parents DO NOT consent to this'
There were alot of highly esteemed medical voices that were 'silenced' during this period that have been since been proved 'correct' on their knowledge on epidimeology and virus control and the overall benefits to lockdowns and vaccines.  In the age of mass communication, people should have been able to hear these voices and make an  'informed decision'.  There were no  'alternative' measures advocated which could have benefited and saved so many lives, such as the original medicines including  Ivermectin (which was banned) and other lifestyle choices  such as anti-inflammatory foods, vitamins such as vitamin D and C,  minerals, fitness and freshair.
I wrote and produced this project during my MA photography course in 2022.
(7th May 2024) The Astra Zeneca COVID-19 Vaccine was withdrawn after revealing that they knew from the outset there were possible 'rare' fatal bloodclots amongst other adverse conditions.  Those affected are now able to apply for compensation.
This was the notice given by The Guardian
"On 7 May, the European Medicines Agency issued a notice that the vaccine is no longer authorised for use."
(accessed 9th May :,to%20target%20Covid%2D19%20variants.)
However The Independent reported:
"Pharmaceutical giant Astra Zeneca has admitted that its widely used Covid vaccine, branded Covidshield, can cause rare side effects including blood clots and low platelet count. Covishield was developed by the British-Swedish company in collaboration with Oxford University, UK, and produced by the Serum Institude of India. It was widely administered in over 150 countries, including Britain and India.Some studies conducted during the pandemic found the vaccine was 60-80% effective in protecting against the novel coronavirus.However, research has since found that Covishield can cause some people to develop blood clots, which may prove fatal. A class action lawsuit filed in the UK claimed that the vaccine led to deaths and severe injuries and sought damages up to £100m for about 50 victims.The World Health Organization confirmed that Covishield can have life-threatening side effects. “A very rare adverse event called Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome, involving unusual and severe blood clotting events associated with low platelet counts, has been reported after vaccination with this vaccine.” (accessed 9th May :